If you’re interested in introducing sepak takraw to your school or club then there are only two things you need, equipment and a plan!
What equipment do I need?
At the bare minimum all you need is some balls to get started teaching and practising basic skills, to start playing the actual game on court you’ll also need a net and some poles. If you’re teaching at a school you’ve likely already got some badminton equipment and court markings which is great because the net height and external boundaries are the same for badminton and sepak takraw!
[products skus=”MT101, MN701″ columns=”2″]Now that I have equipment, how do I start teaching?

( Big file 16mb!)
Whilst there are no off the shelf lesson plans available just yet,Takraw Australia has put together a basic skills booklet that is a great place to get started. It’s an eight page booklet that gives an overview of the history, how to play, and the four basic skills with instructional photos. It can also be printed in A3 to be put up as posters.
We recommend you read the booklet, then try some of the basic skills yourself and identify the challenges students may face in learning the skills. From our experience some students will pick them up very quickly, whilst others will struggle with the uniqueness of the sport. There’s no one-size fits all method to teaching takraw, but we’d love to hear what does or doesn’t work for your students – do let us know