We’ve been a bit slack in updating the blog here, we have however been updating facebook religiously. So if you’d like to stay up to date with Thai league please subscribe to our facebook page!

Time is passing quickly in the world of the Takraw Thailand League! Five rounds have already been contested and round six is getting underway tonight.
So with five rounds down, what’s happened you ask? So much! As we expected, last season’s winners Ratchaburi Takraw Club, have continued to be one of the dominating teams in the league. They’re joined at the pointy end of the field by last year’s runners up Bangkok Thonburi University and Pornchai’s new home team, Chonburi – Pattaya. These three teams have all been on top of the table at some point so far this season, and although we’re not even a third of the way through the season, it’s clear that one of these teams will take this year’s title.
That’s not to say the teams below the top three are weak, not at all! The middle of the table is just as fiercely contested as the top. Nakhon Pathom, Phrae, Surin, and Kanchanaburi are all very close in points and have offered up amazing performances, but they’re just not quite able to rival the top three. The ladder we’ve created below shows you how close it all really is!

On to what you probably find more interesting… media!
Most of the TTL teams aren’t fortunate enough to have a professional photographer attend each of their matches and take high quality photos of their players, which makes finding photos of TTL problematic – especially when there are five matches happening concurrently all around Thailand! Luckily our friends from Ratchaburi Takraw Club have been nice enough to let us use some of their images on our website for our articles. Below is a small selection of their photos from the season so far. To see more of their photos, check out their facebook page.
However, you know what’s better than photos? Video.
If you have been following us on facebook you would have seen our posts about takraw.dmiinter.com. This website has been put together by the Sports Authority of Thailand and streams each match, from each round of TTL… Live! The site is in Thai so can be a bit difficult to navigate and to work out who is playing who, but if you follow your nose you’re bound to see some takraw. Unfortunately, the quality of video isn’t the best, but being able to watch live takraw from Thailand in the comfort of your own home? Awesome.
Round 6 of the TTL will be streaming there later tonight, be sure to check it out!
More updates to come, stay tuned. 🙂
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